FAQ- lashes

  • Synthetic mink or silk eyelashes that are applied individually to your eyelashes using a non-toxic and formaldehyde free adhesive. They should last you about 2-3 weeks before you need to return for a fill.

  • Your visit should be relaxing. Wear something comfortable (you'll be laying down and we have a blanket for you). Please make sure you're not wearing any mascara or eye makeup. Silence your phone, close your eyes and relax.

  • Depending on the desired style of lash, it should take anywhere from 90 to 120 minutes for a full set and about 75 minutes for a fill.

  • When applied properly, you should not experience any damage to your natural lashes.

    After getting eyelash extensions there are a few do's and don'ts.

    Do not get your lashes wet for the first 12 hours. You may still shower and wipe your face but avoid getting the lashes themselves wet. - We want the best retention possible!

    Do not use any oil-based eye products. To clean makeup, water based makeup remover is highly recommended. Micellar water is a great product to use.

    No mascara!

    Remove makeup around the eye area using a Q-tip. Cotton rounds are great, but can leave residue in your lashes so they are not recommended for use.

    Be cautious when rubbing your eyes and above all, NO PULLING your extensions. This will damage your natural lashes and break them.

    Brush your lashes out with a lash wand or spooli every day to make sure they are straight.

    Schedule your fill every 2-3 weeks to ensure that your lashes remain full.

FAQ- brows

  • Microblading is a semi-permanent brow tattoo performed with a small handheld tool, using a feather stroke technique to produce the appearance of fuller eyebrows or to enhance the natural features of the face. Microblading is a softer/more subtle cosmetic tattoo than some of older methods. Body tattoos use ink while cosmetic tattoo procedures involve pigments. These pigments are designed to gently fade over time. Fading is desired as it allows the artist to make changes to color and shape over the years as client’s natural coloration and facial changes occur.

    Powder brows is a cosmetic semi permanent makeup technique designed to create eyebrows with soft powder effect, very similar to powder makeup. Powder effect is done with a shading technique using a permanent makeup device, which is similar to a tattoo gun.

    The hybrid brow technique is the best of both worlds, Microblading and Powder brows. The look is created by doing hair strokes at the head of the brows and subtly fading into powder brows, giving it the softness of Microblading and the fullness of Powder brows. This procedure is great for all skin types but highly recommended for women with oily skin and/or women who sweat and work out a lot. Hybrid brows will last longer and touch ups are still required but less frequent than the traditional Microblading itself.

  • About 2 hours on average. We will first consult with you about your expectations for your brows (it helps if you bring a photo of what you want). Much of the time is spent measuring and drawing on a symmetrical set of brows and agreeing on your perfect shape and color. The actual procedure itself takes 30min to an hour. The touch-up appointment will take about an hour.

  • We do everything to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible during the procedure. Before we begin, a topical anesthetic is applied to the area to minimize discomfort, followed by a liquid anesthetic during the procedure. Some clients may feel a slight discomfort, but it’s relatively pain free for most. (PLEASE NOTE that if you are a frequent smoker, or have your appointment during your menstrual cycle, the pain level could be intensified.

  • If you have an ideal shape and color in mind, bring a few reference photos with you to your appointment.

    You may fill in your eyebrows as you normally would so we can take into consideration the shape you desire.

    If you have been on prescription Accutane in the past, you must wait at least one year before considering this procedure.

    You must stop using Retinol 2 weeks prior to your appointment and avoid using it for the 2 weeks following your appointment.

    If you get Botox regularly please get that done no later than 2 weeks before your appointment. This is to ensure we can make your brows as symmetrical as possible.

    Avoid chemical peels at least 4 weeks prior to your appointment.

    Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning for 2 weeks before and after your procedure.

    Do not come to your appointment with a sunburn. In this case, email us at least 48 hours prior to your appointment to reschedule.

    Avoid alcohol, caffeine, ibuprofen, fish oil, vitamin E, or any blood thinning medication 24 hours prior to your appointment.

    If you plan to go on a vacation, it is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 10 days after the procedure due to the aftercare maintenance

  • Immediately following your procedure, the tattooed area will appear to be darker and bolder in color and more sharply defined. This will last 3-4 days. Do not panic! It is normal.

    Swelling and redness is minimal with most clients, and will disappear within 24-48 hours. In some cases, it may last around the eyebrow area for up to 3 days, but will not prevent working or socializing. The treated area may feel a bit like a sunburn afterwards but there should only be minimal discomfort.

    The complete healing process takes about 6-8 weeks, at which time the true color of the tattoo is evident. During this process, your tattoo will soften and lighten. Be patient, even if you think too much color has been lost, as your skin is still regenerating and naturally exfoliating. Wait at least 6 weeks to see the true color, as it seems to take on new strength, and it is only after 6 weeks that your touch-up/adjustment can be done. Keep in mind that microbladed brows healed up to 30% softer than the initial color.

    Please note that final results can not be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates. The tattooed hair strokes tend to have a more crisp look once healed on dry skin compared to more blurry strokes on oily skin. We will re-evaluate how your skin has received the pigment at your touch-up appointment and make any changes necessary.

    Healed results will vary with each individual client and using a pencil or powder may still be needed. Additional sessions (charged accordingly) may be required to obtain optimal results.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before touching the tattooed area.

    Week 1: Keep the tattooed area clean by rinsing with lukewarm water and patting dry with a disposable paper towel 3 times a day, then apply thin layer of the after care ointment provided. Apply using a disposable cotton swab.

    Week 2: Keep cleaning them with lukewarm water twice a day for the second week, no ointment. - You may shower or bathe normally, but avoid using any soaps or cleansers on the treated area for the first week as they can be detrimental to the bonding process that must take place for the pigment to stabilize in the dermis.

    Do NOT pick or scratch at the dry skin/flakiness; let the skin fall off naturally. Picking can cause scarring and premature loss of pigment. IMPORTANT: Once the flakes have fallen off, a shiny layer of healing skin will completely cover the hair strokes. It will appear as though the eyebrows are gone. Within 1-2 weeks, the hair strokes will slowly reappear at a lighter shade as your skin regenerates.

    You must avoid working out for 1 week following your appointment. Light exercising is allowed (minimal sweating), but you MUST clean the tattooed area with lukewarm water as soon as you are done exercising. The salt in the sweat will fade the pigment very quickly and give poor results.

    Avoid direct sun exposure for the first 14 days. You MUST wear a hat while outside during the healing process.

    Do NOT apply make-up to the tattooed area for the first 2 weeks. Chemicals of any kind may interfere with the healing and color of your tattoo.

    No swimming pools, Jacuzzis or other bodies of water for two weeks.

    Do NOT soak your face underwater in a bathtub or allow the shower to spray directly in your face for two weeks.